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In Their Shoes, Through Our Eyes: Empathy in an Introspective Age

Current global context presents unique challenges in practicing these principles, including the lingering effects of wars, economic disparities, xenophobia, religious intolerance and racial and cultural tensions.
| Ayhan Cetin | Issue 159 (May - Jun 2024)

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In Their Shoes, Through Our Eyes: Empathy in an Introspective Age

In This Article

  • “Do I treat others based on who they are, or based on who I am?” This question transcends mere social niceties and etiquette and invites us to engage in an introspective exploration of our own moral and ethical values.
  • Our society is riddled with assumptions, stereotypes, and preconceived notions that often color our perceptions of others. When we treat people based on these external factors, we inadvertently contribute to division and discord in our communities.
  • The question “Do I treat others based on who they are, or based on who I am?” may serve as a guiding principle to overcome current global challenges resulting from the lingering effects of wars, economic disparities, xenophobia, religious intolerance, and racial and cultural tensions.

In the hustle and bustle of our fast-paced world, it is all too easy to get caught up in the chaos and lose sight of what truly matters in life: our relationships with others. More often than not, we find ourselves making snap judgments and treating people based on superficial traits rather than on the values and principles that define our own identities. Today, let’s consider a thought-provoking question that has the potential to reshape the way we interact with those around us: “Do I treat others based on who they are, or based on who I am?”

This question transcends mere social niceties and etiquette and invites us to engage in an introspective exploration of our own moral and ethical values. It challenges us to question the very nature of our existence, our purpose, and our responsibilities towards others. Consequently, it offers a gateway to a more compassionate and inclusive society, grounded in a greater understanding of our shared human experience.

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